Social media has begun to unseat search as a key driver of the buying process—especially for high-ticket products and services. That means global companies have to be able to connect locally with social—through agents, advisors, and local sales teams—to make a real impact.

Our white paper Engaging Customers Locally: How Social Is Changing The Local Buying Journey includes research and market-tested findings we’ve discovered working with hundreds of organizations about how modern buyers use social media to research and decide what to buy in their neighborhoods, including:  

  • 5 ways you can connect local activity to your global messaging
  • How buyers use social hyperlocally—and why search matters less
  • Why digital natives are shifting from search to social—and why you should care

To learn how and why your local sales team should engage with buyers on social, just fill in the form on the right side of this page, and you’ll get instant access to Engaging Customers Locally: How Social Is Changing The Local Buying Journey.

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