Schedule. Publish. Collaborate. Analyze. Do it all with Instagram and Hootsuite.

Instagram Video Feature

Post images and videos directly to Instagram

Save time and drive engagement by easily scheduling and publishing images and videos directly from the Hootsuite dashboard and mobile app to your Instagram Business accounts.

Find out how to set up direct publishing.

3 Monitor Instagram

Monitor Instagram effectively

Keep track of customers, competitors and industry hashtags—all in one place.

Measure the performance of your posts

Pick a metric, track your progress, and prove the effectiveness of your content strategy with visual reports that show you exactly what's working on Instagram—and why.

5 Single Dashboard

Use a single dashboard

Schedule and publish content to Instagram while also managing your Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

  • Image for Instagram 'Instagram and Hootsuite' Polaroid Card


    Publish Photos Directly to Instagram Business Profiles

    Learn more

  • Image for Instagram 'Instagram Master Tactics' Polaroid Card


    Instagram Master Tactics

    Learn more

  • Image for Instagram 'How to Use Instagram for Business: A Complete Guide for Marketers' Polaroid Card


    How to Use Instagram for Business: A Complete Guide for Marketers

    Learn more