As many brands know, social networks such as Facebook favor messages sent by personal profiles rather than corporate blasts by brands. Last year, a global study by Social@Oglivy found that for brand pages with more than 500,000 likes, organic reach hit a new low of two percent.

Brands suffer from low organic reach. But the influence and value of employee-shared content continues to grow.

In our resource, The Power of Employee Advocacy, you’ll gain compelling statistics from the White House, Gallup, LinkedIn and Altimeter Group,  Social@Oglivy, Edelman and Weber Shandwick.

  • How employees can increase the social reach of a top brand by 4000%
  • 57% of socially engaged organizations are likely to increase sales leads
  • 58% of socially engaged organizations are more likely to attract top talent

Use this data in your presentations, blog posts, or to show leadership why employee advocacy can help your organization easily drive further results on social media.

To download the white paper, just fill in the form on the right side of this page.