As consumers increasingly use social media to inform their buying decisions, social media has evolved from a marketing channel into a powerful lead generation and sales pipeline tool.

Enterprises that want to stay ahead of the curve are using social selling strategies to better engage and build relationships with prospects and customers.

Social Selling: A New B2B Imperative is a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Hootsuite in May 2017. The study explores social selling adoption trends and provides valuable insights into how B2B enterprises establish social selling programs, including key challenges and benefits.

You’ll learn:

  • The benefits of a comprehensive social selling program—and strategies for implementing one in your organization.
  • How B2B enterprises invest in and embed social into their sales and marketing strategies.
  • Challenges you'll face when adopting social selling across the organization—and how to overcome them.

Help your organization use social to drive new revenue. Download Social Selling: A New B2B Imperative to get the full picture of the benefits and challenges of adopting a social selling program.