How an unknown Independent film launched on Twitter with a $1,000 budget using Hootsuite

A team of writers launched a Twitter storytelling campaign aimed at building an audience for the release of the independent film “Saving Lincoln”. With a limited budget, they recognized the importance of having an avant-garde social media strategy that was cost-effective and easy to implement. They selected Hootsuite to help tell their story.

  • Built brand awareness and “buzz” for an unreleased movie
  • Created a network of fans for the film
  • Sustained the campaign for over a year
  • Implemented the strategy within a $1000 monthly budget

Learn how the writers behind @SavingLincoln, set out to break through the noise of traditional marketing campaigns and connect directly with their fan base in this case study.

We use Hootsuite because it’s an easy, reliable way to schedule upcoming Saving Lincoln story tweets. Each tweet was written in a specific order, so it was critical they were published the same way, at specific intervals. Hootsuite is the most reliable service we’ve found for accomplishing that.

- Brad Cook, Twitter Storyteller