There have been some major landmarks over the last 12 months suggesting social media is ensconcing itself as a key part of a retail strategy. Every year we forecast trends to help you improve your social media strategy. Learn what these trends are, and how to get all the tools you need to put them into practice.

What You'll Learn

  • The 5 trends we’ve forecasted for retailers in 2019—We’ve distilled all the issues into five key social media trends so that you can easily adapt them for your brand.
  • A new social paradigm is emerging, and leading brands are already adapting to it—Consumers want to be treated like individuals and are demanding more value in exchange for their time. See brand examples and how you can follow the trend.
  • The social media developments at individual brands are supported by innovations at key social platforms themselves—In the last 12 months we’ve seen new platforms, selling opportunities and advertising tools in the market. We provide tips and suggestions on how to use this for your brands advantage.