
On average, there are eight billion daily video views on Facebook. And there are over 1 billion YouTube users. Social video is beginning to dominate almost every platform—and it’s only getting bigger.

But the idea of creating your own social videos can be daunting. Getting them the exposure they deserve can also be a challenge. To help, we’ve created three handy checklists to guide you through the process of creating a video and sharing it with the world. They include:

  • Checklist 1: Creating a video for social
    From choosing a genre, to sourcing production resources—this checklist will help guide you in creating a social video from start to finish
  • Checklist 2: Managing YouTube comments
    Learn how to engage with your biggest fans while quickly addressing any negative comments or spam.
  • Checklist 3: Increasing video views and YouTube subscribers
    Attract as many views and subscribers as possible by using these tips and tactics.

Simply fill out the form on the right side of the page and you’ll get instant access to our Social Video Toolkit.