Our Social Media ROI Pitch Package gives you the resources you need to build a solid business case for why your company should invest more in social.

Whether you’re looking for tips on how to track your paid social ROI or need tips on how to pitch your executive for more budget, you’ll find it in here.

Fill out the form to download our Social Media ROI Pitch Package, which includes:

Checklist for Securing Executive Buy-In

With this checklist, you can follow simple steps on how to get executive buy-in and budget for social media.

Guide to Social ROI

This guide offers an introduction to the world of social media ROI, with expert insights on how to start measuring your social programs.

Guide to Social Ad ROI

This hands-on, 5-step guide shows you how to measure the ROI of your social ad campaigns, with tips on how to save time and maximize your return.

Altimeter Report

Altimeter’s Beyond ROI: Unlocking the Business Value of Social Media shows you how measure the impact of social media beyond marketing and across your organization.

Hootsuite Impact Infosheet

This infosheet offers a quick rundown on how Hootsuite Impact helps your organization measure conversions, leads, and sales.