For organizations with multiple brands, product lines, business divisions, subsidiaries and geographies, social media can quickly become complex.

But there are proven ways to contain corporate complexity.

We’ve helped some of the world’s largest organizations structure their social media teams, and are sharing key lessons in a guide called Rethink Complexity: How to Structure Social Media in Large Companies.

Download it now to learn practical steps to coordinating social media across teams and regions, including:

  • How to structure social media teams when you need to support multiple products, brands, and divisions (Hint: Focus on your customers’ needs)
  • Tactics to help global and local teams work together—finding the right balance of central control and local flexibility
  • How to increase efficiency and collaboration—by sharing best practices and empowering employees to amplify your company story

To start cutting through complexity, just fill in the form on the right side of this page, and you’ll get instant access to Rethink Complexity: How to Structure Social Media in Large Companies.

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