Launching a successful international social media campaign
How ARTE TV launched a 24 hour multilingual campaign that drove international awareness and viewership
Based in Strasbourg, ARTE (Association Relative a la Television Europeenne) is a Franco-German television network. Being a multi-national program, one of their greatest challenges is working between multi-lingual teams in France and Germany. Although regional teams manage their own channels, they must collaborate, strategize, organize and secure social media to remain cohesive and on brand.
9,500 uses of the #24hJerusalem campaign hashtag
32% increase in social reach
11.3 million viewers in Germany and France over the 24 hour program
Learn how ARTE uses Hootsuite to collaboratively launch a 24 hour campaign to drive viewership and increase audience engagement on social media.
Our communications can’t always go through Strasbourg headquarters, but we need to oversee all brand and campaign communications. Hootsuite fills that need.
Ready to take the next step toward becoming a social business?
Request a demo now and see how Hootsuite Enterprise can help you drive business-wide results from your social outreach.
Your interactive demo will include:
The strategic functionality of Hootsuite Enterprise
How Hootsuite unifies the objectives of large teams
How Hootsuite’s most successful clients use the platform
Integrating Hootsuite with the tools and platforms you rely on every day
Using Hootsuite Enterprise analytics and visualization tools to optimize your campaigns and demonstrate social media ROI to the rest of your organization
Training and support provided by our Enterprise team
Plus, there will be ample time for you to ask the questions that matter to you and your business.
Request your demo now and an Enterprise Development representative will call you shortly to schedule your demo.