We are passionate about giving back

With more than 16 million users and counting, we have the power to effect positive change. HootGiving is all about using our software, our skills, and the power of social media to change the world we live in. 

Hootgiving Nonprofit

We offer discounts for nonprofits

To make it easier for your nonprofit to harness the power of social media, we offer a nonprofit discount of up to 50% on our social media solutions. Apply today—and lets do something great together.

Apply for your nonprofit discount now

Hootgiving Educate Non Profits

We provide education for nonprofits

Take advantage of personalized education with one of our Social Media Coaches and optimize your social media strategy. Learn how to measure direct social media ROI with end-to-end tracking, delegate tasks, manage permissions, collaborate more efficiently with team members, and more.

Sign up for our education program

Hootgiving Invest Future

We invest in the future

The League of Innovators is a resident partner charity that Hootsuite supports. League of Innovators is dedicated to inspiring and facilitating the next generation of entrepreneurship. LOI gives young innovators the tools and education they need to bring ideas to life and build a better future.

Visit League of Innovators to find out more!

As a nonprofit, we aren't able to have dedicated social media managers. The Hootsuite platform, coupled with personalized education from Hootsuite's Social Media Coaches, lets us leverage our regional leads to engage in social on our organization's behalf.

Patricia Gilmore Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada

Case Studies